Category: Construction -> Irrigation systems
Country: All countries
 Odwodnienie liniowe RECYFIX®PRO wykonane jest z wysokiej jakości tworzyw sztucznych. Korytka są funkcjonalne, lekkie i łatwe w montażu. Materiał, z którego zostały wykonane jest przyjazny dla środowiska.
System RECYFIX®PRO to również dwa ruszty: FIBRETEC®, który otrzymał nagrodę w dziedzinie designu, oraz kratowy GUGI. Obydwa są również wykonane z tworzywa sztucznego, dlatego też nie ulegają korozji. Wyjątkowa konstrukcja sprawia, że ruszty mają optymalne parametry hydrauliczne.[...] Details...  KARTA WYROBU
Oznakowanie CE- Norma PN-EN 1433:2005
Deklaracja Zgodności
Atest Higieniczny HK/B/0786/01/2011
1. Przeznaczenie - miejsce zastosowania
odwodnienie dróg, ulic, garaży, parkingów, wjazdów, stacji paliw, powierzchni magazynowych,
placów manewrowych, myjni samochodowych itp.
2. Możliwości technologiczne
v elementy ze spadkiem wewnętrznym 0,6%
v elementy bez spadku wewnętrznego
v możliwość łączenia elementów pod kątem
v studzienki z łapaczami[...] Details...  IKAXRF-RS
Material:Cast Iron, Ductile Iron etc.
Pressure:Class 125/150PSI
Connect: Flange etc.
Design Standard: MSS-SP-81
Test And Inspect Standard: API598[...] Details...  Membrane plants for water purification "Falcon"
Membrane technology provides a high degree of water purification. Complex process of cleaning allows for one technological operation to dispose of excess water content of salt is almost completely excluded from the microbiological composition of water and organic compounds.
Membrane plants can get drinking water of the highest quality, as well as receive desalinated water for various industries. With this in contrast[...] Details...   Membrane plants for water purification "Falcon"
Membrane technology provides a high degree of water purification. Complex process of cleaning allows for one technological operation to dispose of excess water content of salt is almost completely excluded from the microbiological composition of water and organic compounds.
Membrane plants can get drinking water of the highest quality, as well as receive desalinated water for various industries. With this in contrast[...] Details...  Water filled type dam - WFT-1000 is a water filled portable tube shape barrier bladder, which can be positioned to contain or divert the flow of water.
WFT-1000 is lightweight and easy to handle and can be used in virtually any location.
WFT-1000 provides a practical alternative to these methods, as it does not use fill materials.
Unlike temporary earthen dams and other methods, WFT-1000 introduces no pollutants into the waterway and do not disturb either the streambed or the bank.
WFT-1000[...] Details...   Lipetsk Iron Works SVOBODNY SOKOL (a joint-stock company) Has over 100 years' experience in cast iron production. The present-day company has 14 manufacturing divisions with advanced equipment. The blast furnace shop has 3 furnaces with casting system, facilitating the production of over 1,000,000 tons of cast iron annually.
The SVOBODNY SOKOL Works produces ductile iron pipes with a nominal bore from 80mm to 1000mm, with internal cement mortar lining and external zinc coating followed by a[...] Details...  metody ekologiczne osuszania budowli zarówno zabytkowych jak też nowo budowanych[...] Details...  Introduction
Processed of high density polyethylene (HDPE) extended warp, it has great tensile strength. The structure can provide a chain modulus which suit for long-term reinforcement of basement loading. With high tensile strength (>150mpa) , it suits for different kinds of soils.
It's a kind of high strength geomaterial which has been applied in hydraulic, highway, railway, buiding area, etc. it has the characteristics as followings:
1. Enlarge road loadings; lasting the[...] Details...  - Odwodnienia liniowe z polimerbetonu, PCV i PE i żeliwne
- Studzienki odwadniające i podrynnowe
- Odwodnienia punktowe
- Geokraty i obrzeża
- Wycieraczki[...] Details...